6 Reasons to Visit Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room in Hawaii

Why Go To Urgent Care Instead of the ER

You would typically select visiting urgent care instead of the Emergency Room whenever you have minor injuries or illnesses that you need to be treated. If you're ever uncertain about the severity of your condition, or if you believe it might be life-threatening, then you should head to the ER instead. The ER has the infrastructure and the proper equipment for handling life-threatening injuries and illnesses and is meant for more serious cases. On the flip side, if you are suffering from a minor ailment or injury, going to Urgent Care will save you a lot of hassle and time and will almost always be the more convenient option for treating your condition.

At Doctors of Waikiki, we typically treat flu symptoms, minor allergic reactions, colds, minor sunburns, minor cuts, bruises, fractures, marine stings, bug bites, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and many other conditions.

Wait Times at the ER for Patients with Minor Illness or Injury

If you visit the ER with a minor injury or illness, then you'll almost certainly become the lowest priority for them to treat. Naturally, the ER staff will want to prioritize patients suffering from serious and life-threatening injuries and illnesses, which means you're going to have to wait until they've cleared other more prioritized patients first.

With our Urgent Care facility at Doctors of Waikiki, because we're not treating any serious conditions, there's rarely a long wait-time to be seen by one of our licensed physicians or practitioners.

The Cost of an ER Visit

If you visit the ER because you've had flu-like symptoms, not only will you be waiting for extensive periods of time, but it can also end up costing you thousands of dollars for your visit—all for something as simple as a saline IV drip or fluids. Keep in mind that your Health Insurance Coverage will mitigate the cost of your ER visit, but it still costs significantly more than necessary for something so minor.

Urgent Care VS Emergency Room cost

If you visit us here at Doctors of Waikiki for your flu-like symptoms, we can treat you at a fraction of an emergency room visit cost, and we participate with most PPO insurance. And if you are now asking “can i go to urgent care without insurance?” The answer is yes, please contact us to find out how we can help.

Are Urgent Care Clinics Healthcare Providers Qualified?

Yes, all of our healthcare providers at Doctors of Waikiki are board-certified clinicians and are fully qualified to take care of whatever needs you or your family may need. Our team can handle a variety of minor ailments and can also diagnose many others. The treatment that you'll receive here will be fully approved and medically sound. Also, our healthcare providers can also create a dialogue between you, your primary care physician, and any other specialists you might see.

Deciding When to Go to Urgent Care or the ER

As we mentioned previously, the decision between going to the ER and visiting an urgent care comes down to whether or not your condition is life-threatening. If there's any doubt, or if you're unsure, you should err on the side of caution and visit the ER; it might cost you more, but under certain circumstances, it could also save your life. However, if your condition is non-life-threatening, then Urgent Care will be your most convenient, affordable option, as you won't have any wait times, and the cost will be a fraction of that of the ER visit.

Additionally, at Doctors of Waikiki, we will transfer patients to the ER if we deem their ailment is life-threatening or that we don't have the proper equipment to effectively treat them. We also offer transportation for patients to the hospital if it's not life-threatening, when the courtesy car service is available.

Come see us anytime

We know you live a very productive and busy life, and Urgent Care Facilities like Doctors of Waikiki offer convenient, walk-in, same-day service options so you can get better quicker. We're open seven days a week, 8am to midnight, and no appointment is necessary. If you're feeling under the weather, come on in and see us so you can get back to enjoying Oahu.